Die einfach gestaltete Küche aufs Wesentliche reduziert in geradlinigem Stil.
Kochinsel, Hochschränke und Kochzeile ergeben eine moderne und minimalistische Küche.


"Simplicity is the highest form of refinement."

What Leonardo da Vinci first declared and Steve Jobs tirelessly repeated also applies to the new Orea X: reduction to the essentials. The straightforward, reduced design language makes Orea X appear discreet and simple. However, it is never boring: depending on the choice of colour and material, it can blend perfectly into its environment or provide a puristic contrast.

Die grifflose Küche in schwarz und weiss überzeugt mit hochwertigen Materialien und architektonischer Purismus.


Modern, handle-less and high-quality

Orea X's design impresses with its filigree and clean lines. The elegant surfaces in combination with the reduced use of high-quality materials give the kitchen a calming look. The profile of the handle is available in aluminium or anthracite and reflects the coherent lines of the handle-less kitchen.

Die offene Küche verschmilzt mit dem Wohnzimmer dank einem einheitlichen Konzept.
Qualitativ hochwertiger Esstisch und Stühle runden die zeitlose Küche ab.


Suitable furniture for rooms and kitchen

With Orea, space and kitchen come together in a holistic spatial concept. The combination of all these elements in the room creates a personal atmosphere, in which we will be happy to advise you. On request, we also offer matching bathroom furniture, dressing rooms and even entire furnishing concepts. Our interior designers and consultants look forward to your non-binding enquiry and will be happy to support you in planning and implementation.

Die Schubladen mit einem anthrazit-farbigem Korpus und praktischen Schubladeneinteilungen.
Schubladeneinsatz in Nussbaum in ansprechendem Design und praktischen Einteilungen.
Der schlichte Korpus der Hochschränke in anthrazit in Ergänzung zum einheitlichen Konzept.


Interior in aluminium and wood

The inner values of Orea X are in no way inferior to the coherent external design: all the furniture, pull-outs and drawers down to the door hinges are kept in an elegant and reserved anthracite. The customisable accessories in natural oak and walnut give the kitchen considerable warmth and elegance, resulting in a harmonious general concept.

Die neuartige Aluminium-Rückwand bietet Porzellan-Behälter, Gewürzgläser und Schnittbrett eine aussergewöhnliche Kulisse.
Die technische und praktische Efficiency-Line dient als Halter für Steckdosen und andere elektronische Installationen.


The multifunctional and luminous kitchen wall

The innovative rear panel system in different materials is one of the highlights of Orea X. The filigree support system with an integrated power rail can be used for decorative, freely positionable lighting or for the integration of sockets.

Die Lichtborde aus Aluminium sind mit LED-Technik ausgestattet und lassen sich frei verschieben.
Das Spülbecken in zurückhaltendem anthrazit in Ergänzung zur Alucobond-Rückwand und den Lichttablaren.


Let there be light

The slim 4mm shelves with integrated LED lights can be positioned freely, which means the kitchen is always presented in a new light. The matching black tap supports the minimalist, modern design language of the kitchen.

3-stufiges Stahl-Holzregal in kubischen Stil
Edles 3-Tablett-Regal klein für den Wohnbereich
Puristisches, hohes Holzregal mit Stahl für den Innenbereich
Esstisch aus Eicheholz mit schwarzen Stahlbeinen mit kubischen Formen
 Esstischbank aus Eiche mit flächenbündigen Metallverstärkungen
Holzbank aus Eiche mit Stahlbeinen flächenbündig
Zurückhaltende Holzbank passend zu Esstisch aus Eiche
Einfache Formen bei der Eicheholzbank für den modernen Familientisch


X-Cube: mobile, genuine and robust

Simple and sophisticated: this is what makes the Orea X kitchen line. The associated furniture has exactly the same goal: it inspires with a simple design that is impressive in terms of its looks and in practical use. Black steel with oak presents an interaction of a special type: modern and modest at the same time. Mobility and the authenticity of the furniture are emphasised.



Customised bathroom furniture

Orea bathroom furniture optimally completes the Orea X range of products in terms of design and materials. All bathroom furniture is made to measure and optimally adapts to the kitchen design and individual production. In addition, the innovative panel wall completes the furniture as an exclusive addition.